Publications PubMed – NCBI Sabrina Shah-DesaiSeptember 6, 2017
Publications Journal of Aesthetic: Nursing How can injectors prevent ‘speed bumps’ or ‘sausages’ under the eyes? The ‘10-minute eye lift’ is one of the most popular rejuvenating treatments available in aesthetic…Dr. Sabrina Shah-DesaiFebruary 26, 2016
Publications A Skin Crease Preserving Modification of Open-Sky Mullerectomy for Blepharoptosis Correction. To report the results of skin crease preservation with a modified technique of open-sky Muller's…Dr. Sabrina Shah-DesaiFebruary 16, 2016
Publications Nylon Hang Back Sutures in the Repair of Secondary Ptosis Following Overcorrected Dysthyroid Upper Eyelid Retraction. Repair of blepharoptosis secondary to surgical overcorrection of thyroid related primary upper eyelid retraction (secondary…Dr. Sabrina Shah-DesaiFebruary 16, 2016
Publications Two new cases of metastatic Basal cell carcinoma from the eyelids. Abstract Background: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is an extremely common malignancy. Unlike other skin cancers,…MainadminMay 10, 2013
Publications Stability of eyelid height after graded anterior-approach lid lowering for dysthyroid upper lid retraction. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the outcome of a modified anterior approach surgical procedure for the correction of…MainadminDecember 20, 2011
Publications Evaluation of Scleral contact lens PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of scleral contact lenses (ScCLs) as an alternative or as an…MainadminMarch 19, 2011
Publications Outcome of ptosis repair T H Flynn, G E Rose, S D Shah-Desai. “Outcome of ptosis repair : A…MainadminFebruary 19, 2011
Publications Long-term outcomes of surgical approaches to the treatment of floppy eyelid syndrome OBJECTIVE: To identify and describe the different procedures used in the treatment of floppy eyelid syndrome…MainadminApril 19, 2010
Publications Use of eyeliner to mask mild ptosis Bita Manzouri, S D Shah-Desai. “ Use of eyeliner to mask mild ptosis”, Minerva, BMJ…MainadminFebruary 19, 2009