The skin ageing process causes everyone to experience volume loss, diminished elasticity, and suppleness. It can lead to hood formation on the upper eyelids. Eye puffiness is also the result of extra fat and muscle weakness around the eyes.
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty, or Eyelid lift surgery, can greatly improve the look of your eyes and make them more youthful. It mainly targets issues such as excess fat, skin, and muscle tissues on the upper eyelids through surgery.
In this detailed article, we’ll provide all the information you require, from understanding upper eyelid surgery to its possible risks, benefits, and costs.
Understanding the Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Procedure
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty is frequently performed using local or twilight anaesthesia in a day case. The process starts with a consultation with your surgeon (ideally choose and trained and experienced oculoplastic surgeon). During this discussion, you will express your issues and clarify your expected results.
When it’s time for your surgery, the doctor will examine the skin and tissues around your eyes and make some markings on your skin as a guide. Then, a shield may be placed over your eye to protect it during the operation. The surgeon will make strategic cuts to adjust or remove any extra skin, fat, or muscle tissue.
Blepharoplasty is a delicate procedure that needs a skilled and experienced surgeon to achieve your expected results. Dr. Sabrina Shah-Desai, an oculoplastic surgeon, uses her signature “Zip Stitch” technique to minimise scarring during Upper Eyelid Surgery. The incision is carefully placed in the natural eyelid crease, resulting in an invisible scar. Patients can expect long-lasting results, with the effects of the surgery lasting up to 10 years.
Common Reasons for Undergoing the Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery
Many people choose blepharoplasty to address their aesthetic and functional concerns, such as excess skin, fatty deposits, and drooping eyelids. These concerns not only make individuals appear tired and aged but can also obstruct their vision. Through upper blepharoplasty, individuals can bid farewell to tired eyes, regain visual clarity, and rejuvenate their overall facial appearance.
Below are some of the major concerns that allow many people to choose Upper Eyelid Surgery.
- Excess Skin: Over time, the skin on the upper eyelids can become loose and droopy, making the eyes look heavy and tired. Upper blepharoplasty can fix this by removing the extra skin and making the eyelids look more youthful.
- Extra Fat: Fat accumulation in the upper eyelid can create puffiness and a tired look. The procedure can address this extra fat, resulting in a smoother, more defined eyelid crease.
- Improved Vision: Sometimes, when too much skin on the upper eyelids makes it hard to see, upper eyelid surgery can improve the range of vision and how clearly you can see.
- Aesthetic Enhancement: Lots of people opt for upper eyelid surgery to improve how they look. Having more youthful and refreshed eyes can really boost how you feel about yourself.
Upper Blepharoplasty Benefits
With minimal recovery time, blepharoplasty produces predictable and attractive results. Through the removal of extra skin, the reduction of puffiness, and the restoration of fresh contours, the surgery not only regenerates your eyes but also improves the harmony of your entire face. Let’s look at the upper blepharoplasty benefits.
- Youthful Appearance: Reduces sagging skin, making the eyes look younger.
- Enhanced Eye Shape: Improves the contour and definition of the upper eyelids.
- Increased Confidence: Boosts self-esteem by improving facial aesthetics.
- Better Vision: Removes excess skin that can obstruct peripheral vision.
- Reduced Eye Strain: Alleviates discomfort caused by drooping eyelids.
- Quick Recovery: Most patients return to normal activities within a couple of weeks.
- Long-lasting Results: Effects can last for several years, providing a lasting improvement.
- Minimal Scarring: Incisions are typically hidden in natural eyelid creases.
Upper Blepharoplasty Risks
Blepharoplasty has some risks and potential side effects, like any surgical surgery, including the possibility of infection, slow healing, and dry eyes. The potential risks associated with Upper Eyelid Surgery include:
- Swelling can be severe in the lower eyelids for 2-3 weeks, even if only the upper lids are operated on.
- Bruising, which can last from 1–3 weeks.
- Blurring of vision for the first week after the surgery.
- Feelings of irritation, dryness, or excessive tearing may persist for 6 weeks or more.
- Temporary or permanent reduction in blink.
- Visibility of the upper eyelid scar can take 3–6 months to fade. Although 99% of scars hidden in the crease are barely visible, 1% may be pale, thickened, or depressed and may have a different colour.
- Swelling and tightness in the eyelids after surgery may cause minor discomfort or pain.
- Temporary dry eye, which can occasionally worsen pre-existing dry eye or blepharitis and may present as eyelid lumps or chalazion that may require further treatment.
Upper Blepharoplasty Recovery and Aftercare
To get the greatest results following upper blepharoplasty, a well-thought-out and well-conducted recovery time is necessary. Here, we will address the upper blepharoplasty recovery process, such as post-operative care that needs to be followed immediately, when to resume everyday activities, scar care, follow-up consultations, and long-term factors.
Post-Surgery Recovery and Care:
- It’s normal to feel some discomfort after surgery. Your doctor may give you pain medication to help.
- Swelling and bruising around your eyes are common after surgery.
- Using cold compresses can help reduce swelling, and your doctor will prescribe pain medication if needed. You will also get lubricant eye drops and an antibiotic ointment to apply.
- Your eye area may feel sensitive, tight, or painful.
- Clean the area around your eyes as instructed by your surgeon, but avoid massaging your eyes. Eye drops may be recommended to maintain moisture in your eyes.
Recovery Timeline:
- Most people can go back to work and do non-strenuous activities within 5-10 days.
- It’s important to avoid intense exercise and heavy lifting for a few weeks to prevent complications.
- Taking care of your surgical cuts is crucial for proper recovery and to minimise scarring. Your doctor will give you specific instructions for this.
- Swelling could last up to six weeks or more in some cases. Swelling takes time to gradually go down, but you can expedite the process by connecting with Dr. Shah-Desai’s team to do weekly facial lymphatic drainage treatments.
Follow-Up Appointments:
- It’s important to go to all your follow-up appointments with your doctor. They will check how you’re doing, remove any stitches, and answer any questions you have.
Long-Term Care:
- Scarring is normal after surgery, but your doctor will make incisions in natural folds to minimise visible scarring.
- It’s important to take care of your skin and protect it from the sun to keep your eyelids looking good.
- Leading a healthy lifestyle, including a good diet and not smoking, can help maintain one’s results in the long run.
How Much Does Upper Blepharoplasty Cost?
When considering upper blepharoplasty, it’s important to note that the cost can vary depending on several factors. Unilateral blepharoplasty starts at £4,500, and bilateral blepharoplasty starts from £5,500.
If you’re considering getting an upper blepharoplasty in London, UK, the first step is to arrange an in-person consultation with Dr. Sabrina Shah-Desai at Perfect Eyes Limited. Our approachable and well-informed patient coordinators are there to support you and make sure you feel confident about your decision to undergo blepharoplasty surgery.
Upper eyelid blepharoplasty can help you with drooping or sagging eyelids. It can give the eyes a more youthful, renewed appearance and revitalise them. Before choosing to get this surgery, speaking with a qualified oculoplastic surgeon about the advantages and disadvantages is crucial. Always prioritise safety and clear communication with your healthcare provider when considering any surgical intervention.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long does it take to recover from Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery?
Typically, it takes about a week to recover from Eyelid Lift Surgery. During this time, it’s important to avoid exercise or any strenuous activities, but you can still carry on with your regular tasks. It usually takes 2-4 weeks for the wound to heal noticeably, and the stitches will be taken out within 7-10 days.
Who is not a good candidate for upper blepharoplasty?
People with severe dry eye, on blood thinners or diabetes should avoid blepharoplasty. Specifically, upper eyelid surgery can worsen dry eyes, making them more uncomfortable or inflamed. Blood thinner medications can make the surgery more challenging and risky if they cannot be safely stopped prior to surgery, while diabetes can increase the chances of infection and slow wound healing after the procedure.
Is there another choice instead of blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is a solution for correcting sagging eyelids, but there are alternatives to consider based on your specific needs, including skin resurfacing, using LASER/ Tixel or Plasma, and trying a Sofwave ultrasound brow lift and neuromodulators.
Will the scars from my surgery be noticeable afterwards?
The incisions are hidden within the natural folds of the eyelids, under the lower lash line, or inside the lower eyelid. As they heal, these incisions become virtually unnoticeable.